

watercolour on paper and an unlimited print text, on a rimu frame

watercolour on paper and an unlimited print text, on a rimu frame

pink mortar
watercolour on paper and an unlimited print text, on a rimu frame

frosted winds
watercolour on paper and an unlimited print text, on a rimu frame 


1 - 23 June

Gloaming presents an experience exploring chromatic transformation in the time between day and night through a series of observational watercolour paintings and writings by Chora Luz Carleton.

At gloaming, a strange light obscures our perceptions, colours transfigure into shadowy masses. The state of transition marks changes in our mental perception and focus, we define our world as a smaller more intimate space and the darkness looming beyond, calls the imagination.

Drawing towards the winter solstice, this exhibition celebrates the growing dimness over the colder months altering the gallery space to extenuate light conditions as if it were dusk. Engaging the space then created, readings of observational poetry will explore the connection between the perception, understanding and communication of space, colour, light and sense.